Expert services for business critical applications and infrastructure

  • On premise Service in New York Metropolitan Area On premise Service in New York Metropolitan Area Reliable, quick, organized, and relevant
  • Cloud Services in NYC Cloud Services Amoebas remain connected during reproduction process. We help you stay in touch from anywhere, using any device to improve collaboration and drive your business forward.
  • NOC Services in NYC NOC Services Procedures, schedules, escalation path and reporting entirely customized to your needs
  • Proactive Remote Management in NYC Proactive Remote Management Always on, always up, always in the know. We act before small problems become big problems.
  • Security and Compliance in NYC Security and Compliance Everybody knows that the Internet is flawed from a security standpoint. Amoeba helps you stay in the know and keep protected.
  • Backup Services in NYC Backup Services When you can't possibly leave anything to chance, Amoeba backup solutions have you covered.

Markets we excel in

  • Health Care Managed Service Provider in NYC and Seattle Health Care Health Care in NYC and Seattle
  • VoIP Service Providers VoIP Service Providers You're good at selling phones, but you need someone to keep those hosted PBX systems running smoothly.
  • Non-profits Non-profits Professionalism without an arm and a leg costs
  • Managed Surveillance Managed Surveillance You've got me ... Who's got you?" - Lois Lane
  • Capital Investment Capital Investment Whether it's real estate or other assets, your team needs to be able to get things done without hindrance.
  • Startups In NYC and Seattle Startups You've decided to jump to the next level of IT support. Read on to find out what that means. Hit the ground running with Amoeba Networks managed services.

Elegant solutions for complex needs